Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Patriots Pen and Future 2020-2020 Topic Essay

The Patriots Pen and Future 2020-2020 Topic EssayThe Patriots Pen has a number of categories for your thoughts about the year 2020-2020. Here is a sneak peek at the topics you will be addressing.If you haven't looked at the Patriots Pen in a while, let me refresh your memory and introduce you to this handy guide for your topic essay. Most people are familiar with the 'Year in Review' section that gets published in the yearbook. The other sections to keep an eye out for include:Although we are on the patriotic page, I should mention that the term 'patriot' is used loosely in most cases, and as a non-commissioned officer, I would consider myself an American patriot. (Although I admit that 'all Americans' could be considered a patriot. Indeed, I do like 'All Americans!') We begin our year in review by acknowledging the distinguished guests who have graced the field of Liberty this year. Let's start with George W. Bush, our nation's 43rd President. 'We wish you good luck in your new care er,' we say to our esteemed President-elect. As we say our goodbyes, President Bush holds his hand out for a high five.Our next section features an abbreviated list of events that were taken part in this year by the American Legion in honor of its 100th anniversary. From the cancellation of President Obama's appearance in front of the U.S. Congress to the '10-Mile Flag Walk,' the event was a tremendous success. They even called it a 'Gathering of Peace' to make it more fun!Our next section, the Post-Veteran Section, deals with Veterans. The audience for your Patriotism! With your help, the Patriotists can educate others about the many ways our veterans are reaping the benefits of our freedoms.The Patriot Pen recognizes the accomplishments of our great soldiers this year and continues to provide space for appreciation for all those who give their lives to uphold our national ideals. 'Thank you!' they say. 'God Bless America!' One cannot forget our troops or our veterans, since it see ms that every time you turn on the TV there is another war. During the coverage of the Iraq War, we noticed that the voice over usually emphasized the war, and then it hit the 'buzz' and mentioned the 'liberated Iraqi city of Fallujah.' It was as if all of our soldiers and Marines were no longer 'soldiers'motorcycle warriors.' The new terminology is 'military'; 'motorcycle warriors' no longer exist. We have veterans. Veterans mean anything less than being part of the American mass media. One wonders what American heroes are left? A Veteran in the Post-Veteran section? For all those who gave their lives for their country, please consider our thanks and tribute. Lastly, the Patriot Pen has provided a space for a Constitutional Convention. While there are many to choose from, the following four have been selected for a future review. Check back for other selections, and thank the Patriots Pen for a welcome change in the way we think.There are a lot of discussions about the best way to select the subject of your Patriotism, and if you choose to do it yourself, I suggest you take advantage of the Patriots Pen's write-ups, which offer you the full text and graphics of every article available. If you are opting to submit an essay to the Patriots Pen, then it makes sense to write something that fits into the scope of the subject. In order to assist you in this regard, the writers at the Patriot Pen have prepared these examples as well as a helpful list of topic ideas. They are very helpful. Now that you have been introduced to the Patriot Pen's various topics, you will be ready to write your next topic, the 2020-2020 subject for the class, which covers the ever popular twenty-fifth anniversary of the Citizens United ruling. The patriots pen also provides you with a useful list of topics that would be perfect for this topic. any phase of your college career.

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